Overview & Purpose: To provide needed back to school items for local families in need. If you or a family you know are in need of help with school supplies, please register to attend this event. The doors will open at 10am until supplies last. Sign up for Haircut time in advance. YOU NEED TO BE ON THE REGISTRATION LIST TO ATTEND.
Registrants to this Back to School Event can receive: 1.School Supplies (while supplies last) - (*Bring school supply list to get specific items.) 2. Eye screenings provided by the Keller Lions Club. 3.Haircuts provided by Spivey Lane Salon - (*must sign up for time slot, limited spots available) - only simple dry cuts with no styling provided 4. Clothing - one Kit of 3-5 outfits per child as available
To register please email us at events.donationhouse@gmail.com